Welcome to HookahJohn's Circle of Friends

How it works

Sign up or log in to start earning straight away.

Automatically collect points with every purchase.

Redeem your reward points for discount codes.

Earn Points for every order placed

The more you spend, the more you save.

  • 1 point per dollar spent
  • Automatically Start at Silver
  • 25 points to start
  • 2 points per dollar spent
  • Spend 500$ to reach Gold
  • 50 points when you reach Gold
  • 3 points per dollar spent
  • Spend 2000$ to reach Platinum
  • 100 points when you reach Platinum
  • 5 points per dollar spent
  • Spend 5000$ to reach Diamond
  • 200 points when you reach Diamond

Ways to earn points

Redeem your points
100 points = 2$

Exchanging your earned points is simple. Just use them for a discount during checkout. Please be aware that discounts from Rewards cannot be used together with other promotional codes. For more information, refer to the FAQs at the bottom of the page.


Referral Program 🌟 Give $10, Get $10 in Points 🌟

Here's How it works

  • Pass the hose: Invite your friends to shop at HookahJohn.com. Whether it's through a quick message, a social media shout-out, or a personal recommendation, spread the word about why you trust us.
  • Earn as They Smoke: For every friend who signs up and makes a purchase through your referral, we'll credit your account with $10 worth of points.
  • Redeem for Rewards: Accumulate points to unlock exclusive rewards and discounts. The more you share, the more you earn!